Part 1. Earn 500$ a day cleaning Windows easily
earn 500 $ PLUS a day as a SELF EMPLOYED professional Window cleaner
Part 1. Understanding that building a successful Business will happen , all you need is drive | Discipline and energy and time !
Ok so your thinking to yourself how can it be possible to earn up to 500$ and over 500 $ a day as a Window cleaner ? well yes it is possible because like most things in life their are certain things which are guarenteed for example.
Please check out my webpage in Germany that has only been going a few mnonths but already with great SEO work and constant attention to detail in a short amount of time i have got to the top ranking for my niche where i am and
Death, Taxes and Dirty Windows
Dirt is something that you cannot get away from in life… You know yourself after cleaing your kitchen floor on the monday your left scratching your head on the wednesday wondering what happened to that shiny clean floor that took 30 minutes of your precious time to clean.This is the point you have to understand straight away cleaning takes energy and and also takes time
As you get older your energy levels deplete, so this is why many people who run businesses and Private homes decide to book a service or get a professional to come into their homes to accomplish things that they are not capable of doing or have neither the time or the energy to do it themselves, THIS IS CALLED BEING WISE ! So there is always demand and great possibilities for people who are both concientious , hard working and reliable !
Windows Will always get Dirty !!! so dont panic i reall do know what i am talking about , i have literally cleaned over 1,000,000 panes of glass. A WINDOW WILL GET DIRTY, and most normal people enjoy clean windows , the only difference between them is all is the interval of the cleaning , some may want it once a month some may only be able to afford or tolerate having it done every 2 years or even longer .
So yes you can make money cleaning Windows all you have to do go out there and try to make it happen AND I GUARENTEE IT WILL HAPPEN, not straight away but it will happen. Once you have understood what life is really about you will reap its rewards and all it has to offer.. Yes unfortunately we live in a Capitalistic world and you have to earn and make money to make your life easier.
Part 2. Making it happen !
but firstly we have to understand the benefits of Window Cleaning
Once you know what you want we can then explain the benefits of starting and having your own window cleaning business, Now dont skip this part please ! its important to know what the benefits and the disadvantages are of starting your Window cleaning business are.
yes Window Cleaning will give you access to great freedom in your life. Unlike many other cleaning services Window cleaning gives you a great sense of freedom , or would you rather work in an office with the same 200 people every day , day in day out ? NO me neither no thank you Sir.
It goes like this,
( Every day is different for most professional Window cleaners when it goes on the location and where they are working, Except maybe if your working on the Burg Khalifa in Dubai for example or a similar building where they have a team of Window cleaners that start at one point and work there way to the end and then when they have completed they start the process all over again due to the size of the building , the budget of the owners and the willingness of the owners to keep their investment looking top notch )
The point here is that most window cleaners get any where between 1 — and anything up to 20 or more contracts a day to get through, this means they are at a different location at many times potentially every day … for example many window cleaners clean Shop windows on the outside in the early morning and they may have for example me as seen in the image below
2b. Example of a Window Cleaners Working day might go like this …
depending on who you are the alarm will sound at around 6.00 — 6.30 for most Window Cleaners and maybe around 30 minutes later in the Winter months.
6.00 am
wake up call , eat breakfast ,prepare tools and travel to first job
first job might be cleaning Shop Windows at a Superstore time estimate 30 - 45 minutes
Window Cleaning town shops in the city center , time per shop 5–20 minutes
grab a coffee for 10 minutes break
carry on cleaning 4 shops in the city center.
off to clean a small business that sells for example Car parts, this time inside and out , The Owner was informed and creazted room and access to clean the windows. time estimate for this job … 1–1.5 hours .. lets be realistic time travelling to and from jobs can due to traffic or distance cause delays , SO MAKE SURE YOUR PRICING IS CORRECT !
its nearly Dinner time , but after leaving the Car Parts Job we have to drive 25 minutes now to get to our main work for today which is a group of Private homes spread over several streets ( 8 -12 Private Homes )
arrival at main job of the day….. Either eat packed lunch or grab a bite to eat from the local businesse´s time estimate for the break. 10–20 minutes.
now is the main work of the day , the aim is to work in a focused and steady manner and and get things done, Time estimate for 8 privat homes all which will be cleaned from the outside and all are in and around ajoining streets is around 2 hours…..
ok we have accomplished quite a bit today but we are still not finished yet . We now drive 30 minutes to get to an Exclusive golf Club which is in the countryside…. this will be the last job of the day and consists of cleaning from the outside a Gold club with Modern Windows and it will all be done with modern Window cleaning Technology WATER FED POLE .. more on WFP here if you are interested in it ….
16.00 Finish…..
Finished with the work but not with the driving , and unfortunately the truth is we have just hit the peak time for driving . and my heads is thinking things through and i maybe could have saved myself 30 minutes today if i had started 30 minutes earlier to have avoided the traffic. But hey thats the way it goes sometimes.
2a-Analysis :
we have been on the move for nearly 9. 5 hours today , and completed around 14 jobs today… all of those jobs were at different locations albeit some were only 20–30 meters apart , but point is we was in a good mood and felt free the whole day , we was never confronted with any hostility or problems and it was really nice to be frank.
2b Fitness , fresh air and plenty of movement.
Window Cleaning is a great job make you fit and improve your well being, Again or would you rather work ina stuffy office with many people who are breathing out C02 the whole day ? well i know what i prefer.
Climbing up ladders is dangerous or can be dangerous. but nowadays there are alternatives to this and it s called Water fed Pole
Water Fed Pole
is the Modern alternative to cleaning or using ladders to access windows at Height.
We will be doing an indepth article on Water Fed poles in the very near future so stay tuned in about that subject. !!!
Window Cleaning makes you feel happy
All of that moving around and variety over the day will have a huge impact on you , of course some days will never go to plan but you can always be assured that on most occassions you will simply feel great at the simple and free things which are on offer as a Window cleaner and that is “ freedom and movement “ with the added benefit of earning very good money once you have leanred how to.
Some days the weather will be poor just like life its self but be reassured their are thousands of Window Cleaners all over the world that LOVE their job
( simply because of what i described above ).
2c Potentially there is very good money to be made which makes everything even more satisfying
Earn or greatly increase Extra Revenue through add on Services for when cleaning Windows for Private home owners
There is much more to Window Cleaning than meets the eye, and there is a whole pallet of different things and services you can add on or promote to generate some seriously good extra revenue.
here are examples
Conservatory cleaning
many Private home owners in Europe own whats called a Conservatory , A Conservatory is a construction built largely out of glass or plastic for several purposes ,
1. A room or area where you can sit in Winter | Autumn or when ever there is bad weather where you can take in light ( Light is essential for your well being )
2. Many Conservatories are designed for several purposes in Germany for example and that is to also help keep heating bills down | warm your home with the power of the sun even on cooler days ( this depends on the construction type of the Conservatory you own ! )
3. a Place to Cultivate and grow plants , vegetables and fruits
we will go more into depth about Conservatory cleaning at a later date, where will show you how to clean them effectively , how to price them accordingly and also show you what are the best tools for getting the job done quickly and EFFECTIVELY !
PART 2 COMING SOON !!! where will cover more about all of the add on services . PLUS +++ all the TIPS TRICKS AND SECRETS NEEDED TO REALLY motivate you and gain success
How to work effctively and choose the right tools for the job ( Must SEE !! )
How to promote your business in the internet and through other means of advertising
How to produce an advertsing flyer that works
How to pepare your business for success through small life changes ( a must have TBH )